Over the past 25 years we have worked globally with hundreds of large and small organizations in the social good, community and business sectors, with a focus on complexity informed approaches, participatory leadership, engagement and collaboration.
Learning, capacity building and positive impact are central to our work.
Learning, capacity building and positive impact are central to our work.
organizational clients include:
- Clayquot Bioshpere Trust
- Province of BC
- Government of the Yukon
- Harvard Kennedy Leadership School
- UBC Coaching Program
- Ohio State University
- Future Services Institute, University of Minnesota
- Edwards School of Business, Women's Leadership Program
social profit organizations
- Federation of Community Social Services of British Columbia
- Coast Capital Credit Union
- Social Venture Partners
- BC Government Employees Union
- Waterlution
- Reconciliation Canada
- Fostering Change
- Vancouver Foundation
- Clayoquot Biosphere Trust
- Columbus Medical Association Foundation
- Beyond Sustainability
- Vancouver Division of Family Practice
- Berkana Institute
- Center for Courage and Renewal
- Fetzer Institute for Native Americans in Philanthropy
- Applied Improvisation Network
- Strengthening Families Illinois
- Washington State Family Policy Council
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota
- Canadian Labour Congress
- Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Streetwork New York City
- The Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education
- Assembly of BC Arts Councils
- The W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- International Association for Public Participation
- BC Academic Health Council
- Dalai Lama Centre
- McCreary Centre Youth Foundation
- Committee Against the Sexual Exploitation of Youth
- United Community Services Coop
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
aboriginal social profit organizations
- Vancouver Native Health
- Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
- Sacred Wolf Friendship Centre
- Kwi Awt Stelmexw: Squamish Arts and Culture
- First People’s Language, Heritage and Culture Council
- South Island Wellness Society
- First Nations Leadership Council
- Aboriginal Housing Management Association of BC
- First Nations Health Authority
- Greater Vancouver Centre for Aboriginal Business
- National Centre for First Nations Governance
- Knowledgeable Aboriginal Youth Association
- Metis Nation of British Columbia
- First Nations Education Steering Committee
- Coastal First Nations
- Centre for Native Policy and Research
- Prince George Aboriginal Business Development Centre
- Victoria Native Friendship Centre
- Building our Legacy Together
- M’akola Housing
- National Aboriginal Forestry Association
- Vancouver Coastal Interim Aboriginal Authority
- Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team
- Coast Salish Training and Employment Society
- Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services
- Aboriginal Financial Officer’s Association of BC
- Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
- BC Aboriginal Network on Disability
- Assembly of First Nations
- Office of the BC Regional Vice-Chief
- Delgamuukw/Gisday’wa National Process
- Chiefs Education Committee
- Office of the BC Regional Vice-Chief
- First Nations Summit
- Chiefs Health Committee
- Chiefs Health Committee
- ACCESS: Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Employment Services
- Caring for First Nations Children’s Society
- Council for BC Aboriginal Economic Development
- First Nations Employment Services
- Indigenous and Adult Higher Learning Association
- Odawa Native Friendship Centre
- BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
- Nechi Institute for Drug and Alcohol Training and Research
- Luma Native Housing
- Lower Mainland Aboriginal Health Council
- Vancouver Island Aboriginal Health Council
- Northwest Aboriginal Health Council
- Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre
- Native Brotherhood of BC
- Kermode Friendship Centre
- Fraser Region Aboriginal Planning Committee
- BC Aboriginal Economic Development Working Group
- Aboriginal Health Association of BC
- Prince George Native Advancement and Employment Agency
- First Nations Fisheries Council
- Lamp Rynerson and Associates
- Freshtracks Canada
- Trained Brain UK
- First National Bank
- Ruddy Potato Grocery
- BC Hydro
- Tale’awtxw Corporation
- Boeing
- Modus
- Primex Holdings
- Tchibo
- Connect Scotland
- TLP Group
- Reos South Africa
- Leadership Transformation Group
- Public Radio Capital
- Winrock International
- Treadlight Films
- Karyo Communications
- Experien
federal government
- Environment Canada
- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- Economic Development Branch
- Social Branch
- Strategic Planning and Consultation
- Federal Treaty Negotiation Office
- Human Resources
- Office of the Federal Interlocotur for Metis and Non-Status Indians
- Economic Development Branch
- Health Canada
- First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
- First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
- Natural Resources Canada
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Heritage Canada
- Urban Multipurpose Aboriginal Youth Centres
- Urban Multipurpose Aboriginal Youth Centres
- Human Resources Development Canada
- Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements
- National Aboriginal Youth Strategy
- Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements
- Elections Canada
- Parks Canada
- Western Canada Service Centre
- Western Canada Service Centre
- Western Economic Diversification
- Greater Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy
- Prince George Urban Aboriginal Strategy
- Regina Urban Aboriginal Strategy
- Greater Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Pacific Council of Senior Federal Officials
- New Zealand Department of Labour
- Community Economic Group
- Community Economic Group
- United States Government
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
first nations and tribal councils
- Winalagalis Treaty Group
- Okanagan Nation Alliance
- Navajo Nation
- Quinault Indian Nation
- Nuxalk Nation
- Cheam First Nation
- Musqueam First Nation
- Sliammon First Nation
- Soowalie First Nation
- Saulteau Nation
- Katzie First Nation
- In-SHUCK-ch Nation
- Cariboo Tribal Council
- Nautsamawt Tribal Council
- Squamish Nation
provincial and territorial government
- Government of British Columbia
- Ministry of Women’s Equality
- Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
- Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services
- Provincial Aboriginal Social and Economic Strategy
- First Citizens Forum
- Native Economic Development Advisory Board
- Provincial Aboriginal Social and Economic Strategy
- Ministry of Advanced Education
- Ministry of Child and Family Development
- Early Years
- Early Years
- Ministry of the Attorney General
- Ministry of Health
- Island Health Authority
- Island Health Authority
- Ministry of Women’s Equality
- Yukon Government
municipal and local government
- School District 57 (Prince George, BC)
- Greater Vancouver Regional District
- Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee
- Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee
- City of Vancouver
- City of Calgary
- City of Victoria
- Victoria Urban Development Agreement
- Victoria Urban Development Agreement
- Cariboo Regional District
- District of North Vancouver
- Fairbanks Northstar Borough School District, Alaska
- Bowen Island Municipality
- Cordova School Board
- Town of Squamish
other organizations
- British Columbia Treaty Commission
- British Columbia Human Rights Commission
- Child and Youth Officer for British Columbia
academic contribution
We have guest lectured, taught, and led strategic initiatives inside many academic institutions.
- Trinity Western University
- University of Washington
- Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Simon Fraser University Dialogue and Civic Engagement Program
- Royal Roads University, Centre for Health Leadership and Research
- Academic Health Council of BC
- University of Northern British Columbia
- University of British Columbia
- Sauder School of Business
- Office of the Director of Health Sciences
- Human Resources
- Faculty of Medicine
- Office of Access and Diversity
- First Nations House of Learning
- Centre for Community Engaged Learning
- Simon Fraser University, Chief Dan George Centre
- University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management
- Beloit College
- Queen’s University School of Policy Studies
- Universty of Victoria Aboriginal Liaison Office
- First Nations Technical Institute
- Quest University
- Adler University
churches and faith communities
- United Church of Canada
- General Council
- BC Conference
- Edge Network
- Fraser Presbytery
- Burrard Presbytery
- Kootenay Presbytery
- Comox-Nanaimo Presbytery
- Victoria Presbtytery
- St. Aidan’s United Church, Victoria
- St. Andrew’s United Church, North Vancouver
- United Churches of Langley
- Mount Seymour United Church, North Vancouver
- First United Church, Kelowna
- Alberni Valley United Church, Port Alberni
- Squamish United Church
- Bowen Island United Church
- General Council
- Episcopalian Church of the USA
- St. John’s Cathedral, Denver
- Church Planting and Missional Development, Episcopal Church Center
- St. John’s Cathedral, Denver
conference facilitation, presentations and design
- Keynote, International Conference on Knowledge Management, Vancouver BC 2018.
- Business Improvement Association of BC Conference, 2018
- Econous 2017 The Canadian Network for Community Economic Development, keynote facilitation
- Federation of Community Social Services of BC 2007, 2016, 2017, keynote facilitation
- WK Kellogg Foundation Food and Society Conference 2008, 2009
- Reclaiming Spirit 2014
- Orton Family Foundation Community Matters 2007
- Orton Family Foundation Place Matters 2006
- Live in Public: The Art of Engagement 2008
- Pegasus: Systems Thinking in Action Conference 2007
- UN World Urban Forum, Youth Leadership and Governance POD 2006
- Action Now! Aboriginal Health Professional Education Conference 2002
- Working Together: A round table on FASD prevention and intervention for Northern BC 2009
- National Aboriginal Head Start Conference 2002
- Child and Youth Officer of BC: Say’t Kuulum Goot: Of One Heart. A conference on Aboriginal Youth suicide 2005
- Opening Space for Giving to Flourish 2004
- Committee Against The Sexual Exploitation of Youth: No the the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth 2009
- The People’s Gathering: A conference on youth based human rights monitoring 2006
- BC Assembly of First Nations: Emerging First Nations Leadership 2003
- BC Assembly of First Nations Building our Legacy Together youth conference.2002
- Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers annual conference 2003
- Caring for First Nations Children conference 2007
- National Aboriginal Forestry Association Conference 2006
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements world congress 2003
- Creating a vision of our future: a conference on Aboriginal child and family services governance (The Tsawwassen Accord) 2002
- Fairbanks Northstar School District: Becoming a Peacemaker, Alaska 2003
- BC Treaty Commission: “A Just and Lasting Reconciliation: First Nations and Canada” 2010
- “Hearing our voices today, for tomorrow” National conference on the future of the National Aboriginal Youth Strategy 2003
- “Improving our practice of Open Space Technology” The ninth annual international Open Space on Open Space 2001
- “Speaking Truth to Power: Looking at Aboriginal Title in British Columbia” 2001
- Youth Empowered Solutions: an Open Space for the Aboriginal youth of Vancouver, 2000
- National Conference on Community Safety and Crime Prevention 1994
- Water Coller Conversations, Strategic Water Conference, Yukon Government 2016
- Prince George Urban Aboriginal Strategy Planning Conference 2005
- Victoria Urban Development Planning conference 2006